Something we are often asked in our stores is... "How do I get a licence?". Here’s a guide on how to obtain a gun license in Queensland, Australia, with an explanation of the differences for a Minor's or a Handgun…
As sporting shooters, when asked the question, "Why do you need more than one firearm?", our answer often points to the 'Royal and Ancient Game' of golf, and how each club has a specific time, place and purpose throughout the…
The last 2 days of September, saw the crew at our Rockhampton store celebrating our 10th birthday since opening the store. We had representatives from several of our valued suppliers including, Mick from Raytrade, Mick from Nioa, James and Joel…
Some children don’t have access to the basic items they need when starting school. Fuel for Schools Ltd is committed to ensuring local Townsville Primary school and high school students have access to essential schooling items such as backpacks, lunch boxes, water…
Hall's Firearms are pleased to partner with Aaron Lemphers and his team at "Arming the Nation" for the provision of firearms training and safety courses for Queenslanders. Arming the Nation's Aaron, has been travelling throughout North Queensland conducting Firearms Safety…
At the end of a truly challenging 2020, management and staff at all our locations, would like to pass on our thanks to all our customers for their support throughout the year. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Best…
As the shooting world attempts to get back up and running, most SSAA clubs in Queensland have been operating for licenced members in a reduced capacity for a few weeks. The Townsville branch is allowing casual shooting with some particular…
Changing World In our last post, some time ago, we told of one example in which shooters were doing good deeds within their local community. Since then, a lot has happened, and today we find our very way of life…
Since 2016, Hall's Firearms has been a proud supporter of a unique Townsville Charity event the, Col Hill Memorial - Shoot for a Cause. This is a collaborative event between SSAA Townsville and Townsville Cleveland Bay Lions Club. To date,…
Come and see the guys on 25th & 26th of May, 2019 at the HUNTEXPO being held at the Melbourne Showgrounds. You'll find us at the Raytrade/O'Reilly's Stand (Stand 3000 on the event indoor map). Just turn right as you…