Halls Firearms Townsville and Rockhampton offer storage facilities. The costs are $50 sign in fee which includes the first month storage and after that the cost is $1 per day per gun. For further information please phone Townsville 0747721605 or Rockhampton 0749226447
O’Reilly’s offers storage at a rate of $50 per firearm for the first month and $20 per firearm every month after that
Firearms that arrive in store for transfer are charged an initial fee including first month then,$30 per month per firearm until collected
No firearms will be released from storage in any of our stores until fees are paid (see note on Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act)
Hall’s Firearms and O’Reilly’s accepts firearms for storage under STORE T&Cs and the DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS ACT 1967