Halls Firearms TOWNSVILLE offers a full time in-house Gunsmith/Armourer. John Cooke has 30 plus years experience and is a fully licensed QLD armourer under the QLD WEAPONS ACT (which is required to be able to legally undertake any gunsmithing jobs in Qld) and is able to work his magic on pretty much anything. He does all warranty work for Remington, Marlin, Winchester, CZ, Bruno, Sako, Tikka etc.
Gunsmiths repair, customise and modify any type of firearm, refurbish and restore any old or antique weapon and also deactivate firearms. If you are having technical difficulties with your firearm or it is not operating correctly then we can also assist with this.
Our full-time Gunsmith/armourer is available from 8.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday. Call 0747721605 to talk to John or come into the shop to speak with him
* ROCKHAMPTON customers can take their guns into our Rockhampton store and have them sent up to Townsville for repair. O’Reilly’s customers in Melbourne are taken care of by local area gunsmiths.
Services include:
- Full servicing
- Rebarreling
- Blueing
- Bedding
- Muzzle-Breaks
- Trigger adjustments
- Stock Modifications
- Fitting Recoil pads
- Custom building