The Hornady Case Tumbler makes a time-saving addition to any reloading setup.
Clean and polish large quantities of brass to a brilliant finish before loading, eliminating abrasive foreign particles that can scratch the inside of your dies. Brass cases cleaned with vibratory action enhances the smooth function of reloading presses and dies and makes finished reloads look like new.
Add to the quality of your reloaded ammunition by using the M-1 Hornady Case Tumbler to clean and polish large quantities of cases quickly and efficiently.
Coupled with Tumbling Media, the cyclonic and vibratory action of the Tumbler cleans brass to a brilliant shine. Use the included sifter to separate the polished brass from the media. Running time varies based on the condition of the cases and degree of cleanliness desired.
Holds up to (400) .38 Special cases, (180) 30-06 cases, or the equivalent of other like-sized cases.