Something we are often asked in our stores is… “How do I get a licence?”. Here’s a guide on how to obtain a gun license in Queensland, Australia, with an explanation of the differences for a Minor’s or a Handgun Licence. This guide is produced to provide a summary of the process involved in obtaining a Weapons Licence in Queensland. It should be considered in conjunction with appropriate legislation and does not cover every possible scenario regarding individual circumstances. Additional details are available via Qld Police Service (QPS) website, referring to Weapons Licensing Branch (WLB), or you can of course, still come into our store and talk to our people, who have all been through the process.
Steps to Obtain a Gun Licence in Queensland:
Eligibility Check
- Must be at least 18 years old (except for a Minor’s Licence).
- Must be a fit and proper person (no criminal history, mental health concerns, etc.).
- Must have a genuine reason for owning a firearm (e.g., sports shooting, occupational purposes, hunting, etc.).
- Must have appropriate storage available as out lined in legislation.
Complete a Firearms Safety Course:
- Successfully complete a safety training course for the category of firearm you’re applying for. The course is offered by accredited providers. In North Queensland we recommend Arming the Nation Firearms Training.
- In order to attend a Firearms Training Safety Course, you will need to provide your Australia Government Unique Student Identifier (USI). More details on how to obtain one or find your existing one can be obtained here.
Obtain Genuine Reason Documentation:
- Provide proof of your genuine reason, such as membership with a shooting club, property ownership for occupational use, or a letter of permission to shoot on rural land. Occupational and recreational shooting will require the submission of a form with appropriate details available from Qld WLB Website.
Submit an Application:
- Apply online via the Queensland Police Service (QPS) WLB website.
- Provide personal details, ID verification, safety course completion, and genuine reason documentation.
- Payment for the Licence will be required at this stage.
- Following submission of application, you will be sent an email requiring you attend an appropriate Australia Post outlet to complete identification check and have a photo taken for use on the licence if approved.
Police Background Check:
- QPS conducts a thorough background check, including criminal history, mental health status, and domestic violence records.
Processing of Licence Application:
- The amount of time taken to process the application may vary depending on a number of factors. Current average processing timeframes are posted on Qld WLB site main page.
Licence Issuance:
- Once approved, you will receive your licence and can purchase a firearm within the approved category subject to the issuance of appropriate Permit to Acquire (PTA) pertaining to the specific firearm.
Differences Between Minor’s Licence and Handgun Licence:
Minor’s Licence:
- Age Requirement: For individuals aged 11 to 17.
- Purpose: Primarily for minors who want to learn shooting, participate in competitions, or assist in pest control under adult supervision.
- Restrictions: Minors cannot own or buy firearms but can use them under the direct supervision of a licensed adult. They are limited to specific types of firearms.
Handgun (Concealable) Licence:
- Age Requirement: Must be at least 18 years old to hold full licence.
- Purpose: Allows ownership and use of handguns for specific purposes such as sports shooting, security work or as a landholder. Landholder use requires additional details to be submitted specifically addressing why a handgun is required and long arms are not sufficient for purpose.
- Sporting Restrictions: Handgun ownership has additional strict controls, including:
- Prior to being able to apply for a sporting handgun licence you must:
- Join a pistol club (this will probably incur and additional local fee, beyond that paid if you are a Sporting shooter for Categories A/B). In order to even join a pistol club, you will first need to be deemed a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold a licence. This is satisfied by either being the current holder of another Firearms Licence, or by submitting a form to QPS to have them perform the relevant background checks.
- Remain a financial member of a pistol club for a minimum period of 6 months (the club will be required to provide you a form confirming membership).
- Participate and record at least 3 ‘shoots’ during that initial period.
- Once you obtain a licence, ongoing participation in shooting competitions and continued consistent club membership, remain part of your obligations to maintain the licence. Documentation confirming your compliance with these additional requirements will be required to be submitted each time the licence is renewed. Handguns must be stored according to stringent safety requirements.
What do you think, time to get started and join the hundreds of thousands of Australians involved in recreational, sporting or occupational shooting throughout the country?